Results for 'Leo W. Zonneveld'

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  1. Introduction to the Thomas Paine UN Colloquium Papers.Leo Zonneveld - 2009 - In Joyce Chumbley, Thomas Paine: in search of the common good. Nottingham, England: Spokesman Books.
  2. Introduction to the Visionaries of World Peace Series of Colloquia.Leo Zonneveld - 2009 - In Joyce Chumbley, Thomas Paine: in search of the common good. Nottingham, England: Spokesman Books.
  3. Why girls want to be boys.Leo W. Beukeboom, Tom J. de Jong & Ido Pen - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (6):477-480.
    The mechanisms by which sex is genetically determined are bewilderingly diverse and appear to change rapidly during evolution.(1) What makes the sex‐determining process so prone to perturbations? Two recent articles(2,3) explore theoretically the role of genetic conflict in sex determination evolution. Both studies use the idea that selection on sex‐determining genes may act differently in parents and in offspring and they suggest that the resulting conflict can drive changes in sex‐determining mechanisms. BioEssays 23:477–480, 2001. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, (...)
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    Microbial manipulation of host sex determination.Leo W. Beukeboom - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (6):484-488.
    Endosymbiotic bacteria can directly manipulate their host's sex determination towards the production of female offspring.
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    Sex determination in hymenoptera: A need for genetic and molecular studies.Leo W. Beukeboom - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (9):813-817.
    Sex‐determining mechanisms appear to be very diverse in invertebrates. Haplodiploidy is a widespread mode of reproduction in insects: males are haploid and females are diploid. Several models have been proposed for the genetic mechanisms of sex determination in haplodiploid Hymenoptera. Although a one‐locus multi‐allele model is valid for several species, sex determination in other species cannot be explained by any of the existing models. Evidence for and predictions of two recently proposed models are discussed. Some genetic and molecular approaches are (...)
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  6.  54
    A defense of moderate invariantism.Leo W. Iacono - unknown
    This dissertation is a defense of moderate invariantism, the traditional epistemological position combining the following three theses: invariantism, according to which the word ‘know’ expresses the same content in every context of use; intellectualism, according to which whether one knows a certain proposition does not depend on one’s practical interests; and antiskepticism, according to which we really do know much of what we ordinarily take ourselves to know. Moderate invariantism needs defending because of seemingly powerful arguments for contextualism, the view (...)
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    A Select and Classified Bibliography.Leo W. Keeler - 1933 - Modern Schoolman 10 (2):35-38.
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    St. Thomas’ Doctrine Regarding Error.Leo W. Keeler - 1933 - New Scholasticism 7 (1):26-57.
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    The Dependence of R. Grosseteste’s De Anima on the Summa of Philip the Chancellor.Leo W. Keeler - 1937 - New Scholasticism 11 (3):197-219.
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    The New Course of Ecclesiastical Studies.Leo W. Keeler - 1933 - Modern Schoolman 10 (2):30-32.
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  11. The problem of error from Plato to Kant.Leo W. Keeler - 1935 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 42 (4):13-15.
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  12.  10
    (1 other version)ed. Ex summa Philippi cancellarii quaestiones de anima.Leo W. Keller - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:93.
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    Limitations of Scientific Method.Leo W. Welch - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 8 (4):615-626.
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    Alchemy. [REVIEW]Leo W. Welch - 1936 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 11 (2):310-313.
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    God and the Astronomers. [REVIEW]Leo W. Welch - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (3):524-526.
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    The Drama of Weather. [REVIEW]Leo W. Welch - 1935 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 10 (1):137-140.
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  17. Good Reasoning Matters!: A Constructive Approach to Critical Thinking.Leo A. Groarke & Christopher W. Tindale - 2004 - Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press Canada. Edited by Christopher W. Tindale & J. Frederick Little.
    Now in its fifth edition, Good Reasoning Matters! is a practical guide to recognizing, evaluating, and constructing arguments. Combining straightforward instruction with abundant exercises and examples, this innovative introduction to argument schemes and rhetorical techniques will help students learn to think critically both within and beyond the classroom.
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  18.  41
    Non-random autosome segregation: A stepping stone for the evolution of sex chromosome complexes?Tanja Schwander & Leo W. Beukeboom - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (2):111-114.
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    Is the Y chromosome of Drosophila an evolved supernumerary chromosome?Johannes H. P. Hackstein, Ron Hochstenbach, Elisabeth Hauschteck-Jungen & Leo W. Beukeboom - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (4):317-323.
    The Y chromosomes of most Drosophila species are necessary for male fertility but they are not involved in sex determination. They have many puzzling properties that resemble the effects caused by B chromosomes. Classical genetic and molecular studies reveal substantial affinities between Y and B chromosomes and suggest that the Y chromosomes of Drosophila are not degenerated homologues of the X chromosomes, but rather that their Y chromosomes evolved as specialized supernumeraries similar to classical B chromosomes.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Robert L. Emans, Carole B. Shmurak, M. Alayne Sullivan, James M. Wallace, Gunilla Holm & Leo W. Pauls - 1994 - Educational Studies 25 (3):233-263.
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    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, J. Lambrecht, J. M. Tison, J. -M. Tison, S. Trooster, P. Fransen, C. Verhaak, L. Bakker, Leo Bakker, H. van Leeuwen, P. Smulders, A. van Kol, R. Hostie, J. Vercruysse, B. van Dorpe, L. van Bergen, Alph Houben, P. Verdeyen, Bernard van Dorpe, P. Sm, P. Grootens, Jos Vercruysse, A. Poncelet, J. H. Nota, H. Robbers, J. Kijm, H. Somers, G. Dierickx, P. van Doornik, H. Bojorge, L. Braeckmans, J. Rupert, J. Kerkhofs, Penning de Vries & P. Penning de Vries - 1967 - Bijdragen 28 (1):82-116.
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  22.  18
    Das Problem der Willensfreiheit in der Neuesten Deutschen Philosophie.W. G. Everett & Leo Muffelmann - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13 (2):249-251.
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    Studies in incidental learning: I. The effects of crowding and isolation.Leo Postman & Laura W. Phillips - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (1):48.
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    Studies in incidental learning: II. The effects of association value and of the method of testing.Leo Postman, Pauline Austin Adams & Laura W. Phillips - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 49 (1):1.
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    Studies in incidental learning: IX. A comparison of the methods of successive and single recalls.Leo Postman & Laura W. Phillips - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (3):236.
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    Do Traditional Chinese Cultural Values Nourish a Market for Pirated CDs?Wendy W. N. Wan, Chung-Leung Luk, Oliver H. M. Yau, Alan C. B. Tse, Leo Y. M. Sin & Kenneth K. Kwong - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S1):185-196.
    On one hand, Chinese consumers are well known for conspicuous consumption and the adoption of luxury products and named brands. On the other hand, they also have a bad reputation for buying counterfeit products. Their simultaneous preferences for two contrasting types of product present a paradox that has not been addressed in the literature. This study attempts to present an explanation of this paradox by examining the effects of traditional Chinese cultural values and consumer values on consumers’ deontological judgment of (...)
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  27.  55
    The Effectiveness of Art Therapy for Anxiety in Adult Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Annemarie Abbing, Erik W. Baars, Leo de Sonneville, Anne S. Ponstein & Hanna Swaab - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  28. Jill Lepore “Just the Facts, Ma'am,” March 24, 2008. A history of history and fiction.Elizabeth Barnes, W. B. Berthoff, Charles Brockden Brown’S. Historical‘Sketches & Leo Braudy - 1985 - Journal of the History of Ideas 46:405-416.
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    The Politics of Nepal. Persistence and Change in an Asian Monarchy.Frederick H. Gaige, Leo E. Rose & Margaret W. Fisher - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):560.
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    Bergsonian Philosophy and Thomism.The Social and Political Philosophy of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain, Joseph W. Evans & Leo R. Ward - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (4):561-562.
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    Carbon monoxide in biology and medicine.Stefan W. Ryter & Leo E. Otterbein - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (3):270-280.
    Carbon monoxide (CO), a product of organic oxidation processes, arises in vivo during cellular metabolism, most notably heme degradation. CO binds to the heme iron of most hemoproteins. Tissue hypoxia following hemoglobin saturation represents a principle cause of CO‐induced mortality in higher organisms, though cellular targets cannot be excluded. Despite extreme toxicity at high concentrations, low concentrations of CO can confer cytoprotection during ischemia/reperfusion or inflammation‐induced tissue injury. Likewise, heme oxygenase, an enzyme that produces CO, biliverdin and iron, as well (...)
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    Discrimination learning as a function of pretraining reinforcement schedules.Harold W. Stevenson & Leo A. Pirojnikoff - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (1):41.
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  33.  35
    Is handwriting a mixed strategy or a mixture of strategies?Hans-Leo Teulings & Arnold J. W. M. Thomassen - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):232-233.
  34.  5
    G. W. Fr. Hegels Konzeption der "Absolutheit des Christentums" unter gegenwärtigem Problemaspekt.Leo Scheffczyk - 2000 - Munchen: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
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  35. (1 other version)Die Entwicklung der Geschichtsphilosophie W. von Humboldts.Leo Ehlen - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20:235.
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    Mysticism and Philosophy. By W. T. Stace. (Macmillan & Co. Ltd. Pp. 349. Price 21s.).Leo Robertson - 1962 - Philosophy 37 (140):179-.
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    Recollections of Theodor W. Adorno.Leo Löwenthal - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (61):158-165.
    I am in a difficult situation, being asked as a survivor to talk about people who are no longer with us, for survival always poses the problem of whether we have to deal with an event of a purely biological nature or one that, considered from an intellectual standpoint, is not merely arbitrary. Goethe frequently grappled with exactly this problem — if I may, for a moment, appeal to such a great standard. A second personal remark: when one has lived (...)
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    The Machine in America: A Social History of TechnologyCarroll W. Pursell.Leo Marx - 1996 - Isis 87 (1):144-145.
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    Codable sets and orbits of computably enumerable sets.Leo Harrington & Robert Soare - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (1):1-28.
    A set X of nonnegative integers is computably enumerable (c.e.), also called recursively enumerable (r.e.), if there is a computable method to list its elements. Let ε denote the structure of the computably enumerable sets under inclusion, $\varepsilon = (\{W_e\}_{e\in \omega}, \subseteq)$ . We previously exhibited a first order ε-definable property Q(X) such that Q(X) guarantees that X is not Turing complete (i.e., does not code complete information about c.e. sets). Here we show first that Q(X) implies that X has (...)
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  40. Leo Zonneveld.A. T. Tymieniecka & X. C. I. Analecta Husserliana - 2006 - Analecta Husserliana 91:21.
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  41.  11
    Buddhism and Mimetic Theory: A Response to Christopher Ives.Leo D. Lefebure - 2002 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 9 (1):175-184.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BUDDHISM AND MIMETIC THEORY: A RESPONSE TO CHRISTOPHER IVES Leo D. Lefebure Fordham University ChristopherIves offers avery clearandthoughtful exploration ofthe relation between Dharma and Destruction. His discussion helps us to understand the historical relation between institutions and violence in various Buddhist traditions. His overview of the historical record is quite compelling, offering us an important counterpoint and corrective to the widespread images of Buddhist peacemakers in the popular media. (...)
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    Crossmodal deficit in dyslexic children: practice affects the neural timing of letter-speech sound integration.Gojko Žarić, Gorka Fraga González, Jurgen Tijms, Maurits W. van der Molen, Leo Blomert & Milene Bonte - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Charles W. Curtis. Pioneers of Representation Theory: Frobenius, Burnside, Schur, and Brauer. xvi + 287 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index.Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 1999. $49. [REVIEW]Leo Corry - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):126-126.
    Charles W. Curtis is a prominent mathematician who has made important contributions to the field of representation theory. His textbooks in this field have been classics for a long time. In Pioneers of Representation Theory he has set out to present the historical development of the main ideas of the discipline, from the work of Georg Ferdinand Frobenius in the 1890s up to 1960. In addition to Frobenius, the book focuses mainly on three other “pioneers”: William Burnside, Issai Schur, and (...)
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  44. On Two Versions of 'the Surprise Examination Paradox'.Leo K. C. Cheung - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (1):159-170.
    In this paper, I consider a popular version of the clever student’s reasoning in the surprise examination case, and demonstrate that a valid argument can be constructed. The valid argument is a reductio ad absurdum with the proposition that the student knows on the morning of the first day that the teacher’s announcement is fulfilled as its reductio. But it would not give rise to any paradox. In the process, I criticize Saul Kripke’s solution and Timothy Williamson’s attack on a (...)
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    Atypical White Matter Connectivity in Dyslexic Readers of a Fairly Transparent Orthography.Gojko Žarić, Inge Timmers, Patty Gerretsen, Gorka Fraga González, Jurgen Tijms, Maurits W. van der Molen, Leo Blomert & Milene Bonte - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:308630.
    Atypical structural properties of the brain’s white matter bundles have been associated with failing reading acquisition in developmental dyslexia. Because these white matter properties may show dynamic changes with age and orthographic depth, we examined fractional anisotropy (FA) along 16 white matter tracts in 8- to 11-year-old dyslexic (DR) and typically reading (TR) children learning to read in a fairly transparent orthography (Dutch). Our results showed higher FA values in the bilateral anterior thalamic radiations of DRs and FA values of (...)
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  46.  75
    Venetian Drawings XIV-XVII CenturiesJohn Singleton CopleyRufino TamayoJuan Gris: His Life and WorkFlemish Drawings XV-XVI CenturiesGuernicaThe Prints of Joan MiroHorace Pippin: A Negro Painter in AmericaGiovanni SegantiniSpanish Drawings XV-XIX Centuries.Graziano D'Albanella, James Thomas Flexner, Robert Goldwater, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, Juan Gris, Andre Leclerc, Pablo Picasso, Selden Rodman, Gottardo Segantini, Jose Gomez Sicre, Walter Ueberwasser, Robert Spreng, Bruno Adriani, C. Ludwig Brumme, Alec Miller, Jacques Schnier, Louis Slobodkin, Richard F. French, Simon L. Millner, Edward A. Armstrong, Alfred H. Barr Jr, E. K. Brown, R. O. Dunlop, Walter Pach, Robert Ethridge Moore, Alexander Romm, H. Ruhemann, Hans Tietze, R. H. Wilenski, D. Bartling, W. K. Wimsatt Jr, Samuel Johnson & Leo Stein - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (3):205.
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  47.  19
    The Social and Political Philosophy of Jacques Maritain: Selected Readings.A. C. F. Beales, Joseph W. Evans, Leo R. Ward & Jacques Maritain - 1958 - British Journal of Educational Studies 6 (2):189.
  48.  22
    Couple Communication in Cancer: Protocol for a Multi-Method Examination.Shelby L. Langer, Joan M. Romano, Francis Keefe, Donald H. Baucom, Timothy Strauman, Karen L. Syrjala, Niall Bolger, John Burns, Jonathan B. Bricker, Michael Todd, Brian R. W. Baucom, Melanie S. Fischer, Neeta Ghosh, Julie Gralow, Veena Shankaran, S. Yousuf Zafar, Kelly Westbrook, Karena Leo, Katherine Ramos, Danielle M. Weber & Laura S. Porter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:769407.
    Cancer and its treatment pose challenges that affect not only patients but also their significant others, including intimate partners. Accumulating evidence suggests that couples’ ability to communicate effectively plays a major role in the psychological adjustment of both individuals and the quality of their relationship. Two key conceptual models have been proposed to account for how couple communication impacts psychological and relationship adjustment: the social-cognitive processing (SCP) model and the relationship intimacy (RI) model. These models posit different mechanisms and outcomes, (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 3.James Merritt, Richard Edward Kelly, Bernard Flicker, John W. Holland, Richard L. Hovey, Rodolfo G. Serrano, Harry H. Sturge, Leo D. Leonard, Sandra Gadell, John Gadell, Burton E. Altman, Liza Ketchum & John Blight - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (4):221-230.
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  50. Materialismo e primado do objeto em Adorno.Wolfgang Leo Maar - 2006 - Trans/Form/Ação 29 (2):133-154.
    Este artigo investiga a “Tese” do primado do objeto na obra de Theodor W. Adorno, central ao seu materialismo não dogmático e relativamente pouco estudada. O primado do objeto será apresentado em seus elementos constitutivos, como crítica ao modo essencialmente idealista da dialética que perpassa o conjunto da obra de Adorno, em especial nos textos e discussões que precederam a publicação da Dialektik der Aufklãrung, para se explicitar no período de elaboração da Negative Dialektik. A “Tese” desenvolve momentos apresentados por (...)
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